On Sunday 30th September P.A.T's Teesside and Darlington held a Companion Dog Show and Fun Day held at the Dogs Trust at Sadberge near Darlington, this proved to be an ideal location for the event this was the first event organised in the area and the first I have ever organised . The weather was very nice on the day, we also had lots of enquieries regarding P.A.T. with interest from prospective new volunteers and their dogs. All the volunteers did an excellent job throughtout the day with car parking duties, running tombola's and inflating balloons etc, the balloon race was the major fund raising event. Good profits were made from the three tombola type stands, which were run by our volunteers Margaret Lincoln, Pat Nash and Lynn Robinson with the ladies providing and paying for all their prizes.
The catering also proved very successful, we can not thank and praise the ladies from the Volunteers of the Dogs Trust enough for their support and hard work on P.A.T. behalf on the day.
The judge for the show was Mrs Pat Wardale from Darlington who had an entry of 78 dogs making a total entry of 179, there were four pedigree classes and six noventy classes. There was a display of Healwork to Music, unfortunatly the P.A.T. dog and Dogs Trust Parade had to be cancelled due to a lack of time.
At the end of the day the volunteers were very pleased with the success of the day, our first venture into fund raising in Teesside raised £681.18 for the charity. We are all looking forward to next years event which we will be starting to plan over the next few months.
Area Coordinator - Teesside